Everybody Believes in God

I believe that everyone believes in god.

What does “god” mean? If in the simplest meaning, god is a power greater than one’s self, then there would be many forms, ideas, and understandings of “god.”

Since the beginning of man, all cultures have embraced some sort of belief system. It can be argued that today’s society, especially in urban areas, is experiencing a shift towards the idea of atheism or agnosticism.

Quantum theory, science, sociology, and of course, theology all believe in a greater power. Nothing can create something greater than itself. Just examine our galaxy. It’s beauty, delicacy, and intricacy that at one time was believed to be the only one in the universe.We now know that this is one of billions of galaxies in the universe. There is something far greater at work than chance.

People don’t all serve the same god, but they serve some god. I would argue that our pursuits are forms of gods. We currently live in a post-modern world and we as a society serve many gods. Many serve money, power, fame, recognition, sex, or self gratification.

Penn Jillette of the Penn and Teller act wrote an essay, “There is No God.” He doesn’t specifically discuss Christianity, but he implies the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Atheism is belief that there is no god. An agnostic claims a person cannot know whether there is a god: they sit on the fence. Those who subscribe to Penn’s school of thought fool themselves. He may not believe in a specific god, but in Penn’s case, he claims belief in love, family, and beauty. These were certainly considered gods by the ancient philosophers, who believed them to be more than simple emotions. Their attributes stand outside of their descriptive terms. Love and beauty operate outside of the self. Can love exist without another? Many believe that family, reproduction, is the human attempt at immortality: humans continue to live through their progeny.

Not everybody who says they believe really believes in the god they claim to serve. Christianity has splintered into over 2,000 different segments in the United States. The reason for this is that people didn’t agree with ‘that’ god. Their god “wouldn’t do this or that” they say. Some claim to be ‘spiritual’ instead of ‘religious.’ Religion has ‘restraints’ you see, and many don’t like the restraints of organized religions.

Most people today do not serve a god of a higher power who might be wiser than they. Nothing is so great as the self. The self is the god most of us serve. Too many of us who believe in god believe in our god. Our god always agrees with us and is really a projection of our own psyche. We try to be god without God, like Adam in the Genesis story.

Most of us believe in love, and many believe that God is love, as St. John tells Christians. Assuming what I say is true, then what god do you ‘worship? Even if one says that their god is a loving god, do they accept the full ramifications for this god? God’s love can be a consuming fire. Think of How a child who has erred trembles in shame in the face of a loving father.

There is really no philosophy that espouses true Nihilism. There is something more than self. The problem is that men have stopped looking for god. We got lost along with way. The early christian thinker, Augustine, says that the world is but a place and a time to acquire knowledge of the true God. The road through which we travel to find  him is filled with many beautiful things which charm our hearts and turn our road to happiness into happiness itself, a happiness that he says is factitious. Penn himself says that these things are merely temporal. If god is something bigger, we should continue on the road less distracted by the self-gratifying things of this life toward something spiritual and eternal.

5 thoughts on “Everybody Believes in God

    1. If one accepts the premise that nature is part of the created order, then nature could not be greater than its creator. No serious scholarship of which I’m aware thinks nature didn’t come from something. That something then is greater than that which it created. Physics and quantum theory discuss an energy at work. St. Gregory Palamas expresses God as having Divine Energy and Divine Essence. The essence is unattainable. The energy is that which men can indeed experience. Many men have and do achieve the experience of Divine Energies of God.
      And in the Gospel of St. John, as well as his epistles, he states that God is love. So to your question, “would that be so bad?” I would say that it is not bad at all. I made no insinuation that it was bad, so the question vexes me.

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      1. “If one accepts. . .” Since I don’t accept that premise, Nature is all there is, including all beliefs in all Gods. So, if I am a loving person, I “have God” in your view, so does that mean I’m ok and don’t need to believe in your view of God? Just wondering.


  1. I am fascinated by the night sky. Each time I gaze upward I see a power so great that it is incomprehensible to me. I am small regardless of how I may have succeeded in my life. You see, belief in the Creator of all things brings a perspective of relativism in our daily life. As large as we might see ourselves, in other places we are quite small. With that belief I espouse to the principle that in each of us there is a certain superiority to others and conversely a certain inferiority. Looking upward the three persons comprised in the one God give me the energy to perform according to my human limitations. I cannot fly, for example. Birds however can fly by their very nature. Where does this nature come from and when was it planned for. God, the infinite one, maker of all things, and giver of life is my belief. Everyone, I suppose believes in some God but not all believe in the Trinity: The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.

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